• Citas Centro Médico de Caracas: Lunes, Miercoles y Viernes. Pulse el botón Agende una Cita
  • Sistema de citas en linea exclusivo para Centro Medico de Caracas en San Bernardino
  • Citas CMDLT: Jueves. llamar al 0212-9496243 y 9496245
  • Las Emergencias son atendidas en CMDLT previa coordinacion personal al 04142708338
  • Proveedor Seguros Mercantil y Sudeban

int’l e-consult

International Consultations are priced at $ 20USD or equivalent, in Spanish

International Consultations in English have a fee of $ 30USD or equivalent

Payment options:

PAYPAL from anywhere in the world to my account ginecoweb@gmail.com

Zelle to ginecoweb@gmail.com

Amazon’s Gift Card : ginecoweb@gmail.com

Once the fee is paid you can contact me via Whatsapp +584142708338 to select the method of communication, the exact date and time according to Venezuelan Local Time (GMT-4). It is advisable to plan your consultation 12-24 hours in advance to check availability and schedules.

The best available method is Skype: ginecoweb@gmail.com

The hours of operation are from Monday to Friday from 3 to 8 PM VLT and the duration will have a maximum of 20 minutes; During the conference you can send lab results or images if you have them via email or WhatsApp or present them to your camera for a comprehensive assessment of the case.

Emergencies may be attended after hours and on Saturdays and Sundays at a cost of $ 30USD and with at least 2 hours of prior notice to prepare the communication and verify availability

Case Review consultations are done by email, send all the necessary information to evaluate and issue a report with conclusions and recommendations.

In-person consultations for foreign citizens and Diplomatic Corps cost USD $ 75

Recipes and indications:

My records of the Medical Center of Caracas and Teaching The Trinity are valid in South Florida, the most recurrent pharmacy is The Pill BOx. Each recipe has a value of USD $ 25. It can be sent by email or physical via DHL.